Archive for October, 2021

Each school day brings so much for me to look forward to, welcoming students at the gate, seeing and joining in on casual conversations among students during breaks and lunch, and watching out student athletes practice after school. Additionally, there is so much exciting teaching and learning occurring as students openly discuss and analyze key concepts, conduct experiments and gather data in science classes, bring ideas to physical form in Design, and share complex thoughts on Theory of Knowledge prompts.  read more

One of the differences between Language B SL and HL is that students must analyze two pieces of literature.  The difference between Language and Literature and Language B is that the exploration is into the culture of the native speaking countries of that language.  In English B HL, we analyze one piece of literature from the UK and one from the USA.  This helps students prepare for attending university in that country as they make connections to the culture and issues a potential future place of study or home. read more

Happy new academic year everyone!  As we commence this school year in our hybrid setting, the secondary visual arts classes have started out on a high note. This transition period is significant as we anticipate a return to a norm of art-making and art experimenting in our refurbished secondary art studio!  The visual art teachers would like to sincerely thank the parents and students for their support and understanding, as we straddle the online/in person phase of our learning. read more

Mr. Stevenson interviewed Afraz, Alejandro and David after the lesson. The three boys all said how much easier it was to understand the instructions for playing the guitar when they were with the teacher ‘for real’. Afraz said coming to the music lesson for the first time was really enjoyable and he noticed the energy in the room. read more

In Playgroup, the children are settling in and starting to develop personal and social skills. The children are learning to share toys and take turns while playing. They are also learning to use the appropriate expressions to communicate their needs and wants. Meanwhile we teachers continue to model conversations so that they can constantly hear the language.  read more

4 Reasons the Class of 2022 Needs More Guidance

COVID-19 restrictions may be lifted, but its effects are still felt by the Class of 2022. Consider the extra challenges students face this year and what ISD has to help students surmount the university application process. read more

Over the last few weeks in Primary, we have all really shaken off the cobwebs from being online, rolled up our sleeves and got back into the swing of things in school. 

It has been such a change in the way our day runs and even now, moving to full days in school next week we are continually moving forward and shifting our routines. read more

As a service team in ISD, we have been supporting the LEF organization which is established to provide Love, Education, and Food to children in need. We have been awarded the annual ISD Service Award for the second year in a row and we are thankful for this wonderful recognition of our work. read more

The first 3 years are the most crucial determinants of the mental health of our children. The interactions with caregivers at this time are critical to setting the brain stage for dealing with stress, fear, abandonment and trust. These are basic relationship foundations that affect us for the rest of our lives.  Later in life we may wonder why we have strong reactions to what our friends say, spouse does or children do. read more