College Counseling

4 Reasons the Class of 2022 Needs More Guidance

COVID-19 restrictions may be lifted, but its effects are still felt by the Class of 2022. Consider the extra challenges students face this year and what ISD has to help students surmount the university application process.

First, students have had more learning disruption. An entire year spent learning online is a significant amount of time and teachers recognize it because we experienced it. ISD faculty provide additional contact time with students to prepare for the IB world exams while also supporting students to submit quality assessments. During the free blocks, ideally, students visit the College Counselor or set individual meetings.

 Second, projecting scores and writing recommendations or references is trickier for faculty. Now is a vital time for students to engage with teachers. Ways students can engage with faculty include attending classes in person. Then, when learning online, turning cameras on in virtual meets, speaking up in classes, and attending office hours. Even though it may feel embarrassing for students to take themselves off mute and ask questions, it helps build a classroom community that is difficult to do virtually and allows faculty to get to know students in their classes.

Teachers report visibility can go a long way. From a teacher’s perspective, teaching to a screen full of black muted squares; it’s energizing to see a face on the other side. During online learning both faculty and students share that they miss the casual conversations that naturally happen in the hallways, before or after classes.  Faculty miss seeing students’ faces and hearing voices.

“How can I build rapport with teachers to facilitate effective teacher recommendations while distance learning?”

Seniors applying to US universities have been given a process to inform teachers to explain why they chose to ask the teacher and detail their goals for college, letting faculty know the particular points they would like them to consider when recommending or writing brief reference statements.  Requesting a recommendation or reference, students can tell faculty what they are doing, but faculty are also looking to see student engagement and participation in their classes.

Third, like their peers in the previous years, they may not yet know if the countries they plan to apply to have travel restrictions, i.e., Australia. Or if classes are taking place in person, online, or run hybrid schedules. This level of uncertainty is challenging to plan for. We support students by helping them to apply to more than one country during the application process. However, it does mean working on perhaps two separate timelines with different application and decision dates. Students use our BridgeU platform and independent research to check their application deadlines. They are encouraged to regularly check their emails as universities communicate the following steps to students via email.

Finally, this year, universities are projecting higher rates of applicants, which means increased competition for university places. During the summer, forward-thinking students finalized lists, attended summer programs, began essays, and started their applications. Students are encouraged to complete early applications, meet priority deadlines and submit applications well before the stated deadlines. Due to the increased number of applicants applying this year, universities and programs may fill up before the stated deadline.

 Key takeaway: Students need more or different support than previous year groups, and we continue to provide that support both in-person and online. Weekly homeroom lessons on Tuesday morning in small groups in homerooms to cover topics such as Mental Health & Well Being, Digital Citizenship, Decision Making, Time Management, Sleep. Student attendance during Tuesday’s Homeroom time is expected, allowing them to engage and participate as students benefit from checking in with their teachers and hearing from their peers.

Bhatia, A. (2020, October 30). Getting Recommendation Letters During Covid-19. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved September 1, 2021.

AMA Business Webinar, October 28th, 5 PM (Dhaka time)

A high school student interested in studying Business at university and curious to learn about the application process: during this webinar attending students will hear from international students currently studying at the University of Exeter (UK) about anything to do with applying for or studying Business. Register here to receive a Zoom link to attend:

Ellen Johnston