Playgroup- We Are in Action!

In Playgroup, the children are settling in and starting to develop personal and social skills. The children are learning to share toys and take turns while playing. They are also learning to use the appropriate expressions to communicate their needs and wants. Meanwhile we teachers continue to model conversations so that they can constantly hear the language. 

Children are also exploring the different sections of the classroom that enable them to practice the roles that they see outside the classroom. In our house corner, children pretend to take care of babies and imitate the actions on how to care for them. They read the pictures in the books in our mini library and listen to different stories read in class. They are also having a lot of fun in the outdoor play area, using their bodies to develop their gross motor skills. 

It is wonderful to see the children happy and busy making new friends every day. They love to play alongside their peers and teachers. It is amazing how quickly these children have adapted to their new environment and demonstrated progress within a short period.

Rosetta Halder
Playgroup Teacher