Reflections on the 2022-2023 School Year

There were so many positive things to reflect upon and celebrate this school year at ISD as we conclude the 2022-2023 academic session. Students and teachers took full advantage of an entire year on campus and our strong academic and extracurricular programs flourished as a result. I am extremely proud and grateful to our faculty and staff who contribute to a safe, welcoming learning environment at ISD. I am very fortunate to be surrounded by amazing students who are the highlight of each and every day at ISD. 

As we embark on the summer holiday it is important to pause and reflect and while it is essential to identify areas for improvement, it is even more important to celebrate our successes, give ourselves credit, and be thankful and appreciative of those that have supported us. This is an ideal time for goal setting for next school year and beyond. This should not be limited just to academic goals like grades, but should include our social, emotional, and overall well being.

I plan to bring some balance into my summer holiday by spending a great deal of time outdoors in the beautiful northeast of the United States where I live. Camping, kayaking, hiking, gardening, and some manual labor are what I am most looking forward to as I put aside many tasks and a long to-do list. We hope our students and families will find balance this summer by spending time together and participating in activities that bring joy and strengthen bonds and relationships. The school year 2023-2024 will be upon us before long so get out there and enjoy the opportunity to rest, relax, and recharge.

Cheers to a successful school year, I look forward to welcoming students and families back to campus on August 13th.

Best wishes,
Chris Boyle
Secondary Principal