
Coming towards the end of this term, we find ourselves almost at the point where we are able to look back and really reflect. It was said that, “without reflection we go blindly on our way creating more unintended consequences and failing to achieve anything useful” 

A lot happens in an academic year, from extreme highs to sometimes the lowest of lows. Being mindful of all of these experiences, we have to figure out what helped us in getting to the highs and what may have gone wrong that resulted in the lows. 

As you are reflecting on your actions this summer, you might find flaws and mistakes, and when you find these flaws, it gets pretty easy to blame yourself. It takes a lot of courage to accept your flaws and to start working on them determinedly, but this is what reflection is all about. Working on yourself and constantly being your own (constructive) critic is vital for overall growth.

David Longworth
Primary Principal