Archive for the
‘April 2021’

Dear ISD Teachers and Staff

On this last day of classes in April, I send my best wishes and sincere hope that you and your family are well. As worrisome as the pandemic news has been recently, we marked an encouraging milestone in the past week.

Imagine if you could wire the perfect child! What would you put into that brain?  Turns out social emotional development is more important than we thought!  Social Emotional Learning (SEL) has become a hot topic in educational circles. read more

  1. This spring, universities are considering students now as an applicant before you have even applied. Schools evaluate their interest in them through what’s called demonstrated interest, “To see who is genuinely interested in the program is useful for the universities to see who they might want to admit.” 

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ISD juniors and seniors met Sapphire Faruque, a current student at Brown University, one of eight prestigious Ivy League schools in the United States, on Sunday, 7th March, during their college counseling block. read more

Ramadan Mubarak everyone!  As we continue this school year, in our virtual setting, the secondary visual arts team have been truly blessed to see the creativity and deep thinking that your children have continued to display in the artworks that they have created. read more