PYP Exhibition 2023 – Balanced and Reflective

The journey through the PYP curriculum is concluded with the PYP Exhibition. It involves both teamwork and individual effort. Students have been given an opportunity to showcase skills, share understandings, develop Learner Profile attributes, consolidate knowledge, and take action.

The PYP Exhibition involves students working collaboratively to conduct an in-depth inquiry into a real-life issue or problem that is important to them. A variety of source materials, including firsthand accounts, interviews, research, surveys, field trips, etc., are frequently used in this process. The PYP Exhibition’s research took 10 weeks to prepare for.

The International School Dhaka hosted the PYP Exhibition on May 30 and 31. Following an extraordinary and artistic opening ceremony for parents and guests, our Grade 5 students proudly participated in their work’s display and exposition. This required students to communicate what they had discovered throughout their Exhibition journey using a variety of media and forms of expression. There were both moving and still images used, as well as installations, animations, artwork, performances, and oral presentations. In addition, there were some interactive exercises for the audience.

As Balanced learners, ISD Grade 5 students recognized the value of maintaining a healthy balance between their mental, physical, and emotional selves throughout their PYPX journey. They were able to understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development.

Students were responsible with their time management and made sure to consciously use organizational skills. In order to maintain their health, they pursued interests outside of school and maintained an active lifestyle. They gave rational importance to the exhibition, yet they did not overly stress about the process or the sharing of their learning.

The exhibition allowed students to draw upon, develop, and reflect on the attributes in the context of an extended inquiry. Students use online Exhibition journals to post their reflections and comment reflectively on the posts of others.

The IB promotes action throughout all of its curricular programs and has action embedded into its philosophy. The PYP sees Action as a chance for students to make a contribution or provide a service, as well as a way for them to put their learning into practice. Although it is regarded as an “essential element,” action-as-service is understood to be voluntary—a decision to act to prevent and address issues in their home, school, community, and possibly beyond.

Our ISD students came up with creative ways of taking action and advocating for the causes they considered important. Congratulations to the Grade 5 Exhibition 2023!

Maria Stagg
Grade 5 Homeroom teacher