Primary Student Council

Primary Student Council is made up of an enthusiastic group of students ready to take action for global betterment! There are two representatives from each grade. In our first meetings we spent time brainstorming ways to help our planet and those in need. Here is a list of what the children were most interested in:

  • Hospitals need more beds for Covid patients
  • Free covid tests, sanitizer and masks
  • Protection for endangered animals
  • Braille books for blind children
  • Clean all the water in Bangladesh so all people have access to clean drinking water
  • Clean up the trash


  • Sponsors for running or swimming
  • Art sale
  • Scout cookies
  • Fund a helping organization
  • Dress up days
  • Making dresses

In the following meetings some of our student council members shared the results of polls they took in their classroom. They asked their classmates what projects they would like to sponsor. Classroom results were overwhelmingly interested in helping the poor. Therefore, the Primary Student Council will collaborate with Seconday’s Service Learning project with LEF school for their first fundraiser. They also collaborated with Secondary Service Learning’s clothing drive project, setting up boxes and placing posters in the primary building.

Primary Student Council members voted in by their classmates are:

Gd 5  Zaheen Hossain, Josephine Vander Wielen
Gd 4 Sophelia Kamal, Ariz Rahman
Gd 3 Babett Vander Wielen, Naifah Ishteaque
Gd 2 Aiden Bui, Ansharah Sarish
Gd 1 Sabiq Islam, Zunairah Mostafa