The Importance of Kindness

Kindness comes in many forms. Both Grade 4 Homeroom classes have been inquiring into all the ways that we can promote and embody the IB Learner Profile of Caring.

The challenge may well begin with kindness towards ourselves. Being the empowered and ambitious learners that we are means that we will sometimes fail. When that inevitably happens, we can be our harshest critic. How often do we remember to speak to ourselves with kindness instead of judgment? Grade 4 students’ thinking led to a recent House Event where our community created affirmations which they could take either for themselves, or pay forward to a friend, when they were needed us. Witnessing this ripple of kindness in our classroom and beyond has inspired us to go further.

We are beginning to explore the importance of inquiry into the self, of being present and taking moments to check in with ourselves, as individuals. We practise mindfulness in the classroom almost daily. Miss Jessica has been equipping us with the strategies and skills to lead Mindful Moments in our morning time and brain-breaks. In last week’s Primary Assembly, three of our learners guided the rest of the school during our Mindful Moment. Back in the classroom, we made connections to our learning. If, let’s say, we are engrossed in our Math session and if, without thinking about the past or future, we can be truly there, in the moment. Is that practicing mindfulness too? Are we able to practice mindfulness through Math or another favorite area of learning?

During our transdisciplinary theme of Who We Are, we also discovered that our mental health is hugely impacted by our sleep, diet and exercise. The way Grade 4 see it, leading a healthy lifestyle is the best way to show kindness to ourselves. Our students continue to explore the idea of wellbeing. We are wondering if this is another, related concept which takes many forms. Look out for a future Grade 4 Wellbeing Symposium led by our learners.

Earlier in the academic year, we, as Caring learners, felt empowered to encourage the wider school community to donate warm clothing and blankets to groups in Bangladesh who are less fortunate than ourselves. A guest speaker and learning of organizations in our country who share our Caring attribute enabled Grade 4 to reflect on the ways we can show kindness and create wellbeing. These two related concepts are the pillars of ensuring a community of Caring individuals at ISD. Be it taking a moment to be mindful of our own emotions, sharing words of encouragement when a friend is feeling down or sharing with the wider community in Bangladesh and beyond, opportunities to show kindness come along often. It’s not always easy to take them. What is easy to see is the creation of positive change in the world around us as well as within ourselves.

Matthew and Marisa
Grade 4 Homeroom Teachers