New Year’s Resolution

The new school year at ISD has been one that is filled with hope and promise. Our school is looking as fresh and as modern as it ever has and we are off to a great start. 

Whenever we start a new school year, we always try and better ourselves and better what we have done in previous years. How am I progressing? What do I want to get better at? How am I going to have a positive change in my life. Some of us even go as far as writing these resolutions (if you like) down on a piece of paper. I did this myself. 

Number 1, I said, I’ll make sure I make healthier choice in my life (put less coffee in my sugar!)

Number 2, I’ll practice learning a new language and try and do a little bit each day 

Number 3, I’ll try be more organised at work so I’m not doing as much on a weekend 

Sometimes it is hard to stick to a resolution, but with hard working and hungry attitude, anything is possible… and now I need to stay away from those cakes!