DP1 Sports and Activities

On the 19th of September, 2023, grade 11 (DP1) students had the opportunity to play sports again during a school day. After the first few months of continuous studying, the DP1s jumped ecstatically at the idea of being able to play volleyball or even work out at the fitness center. The opportunity to experience the bliss and nostalgia of Physical Education again and simultaneously contribute to the activity strand in CAS was a jackpot for them. 

We hope to petition to have such opportunities more often than once a month where we get to maintain our physical health while bringing back childhood memories.

Moreover, studies have shown that physical activity can be a great way to unwind for the academic rigour of IBDP. 

This activity targets the Learning Outcomes collaboration and strengths/growth. 

Especially during the hard times of DP, having fun with friends playing sports and working out is relaxing.

Vanisha Goel, Grade 11 Student