Beachball Inquiry

I’m very lucky that in my role I have the privilege of dropping into classrooms to see what our students are up to and over and over I see visible evidence of inquiry.

Children at ISD learn how to ask meaningful questions and their lines of questioning are always valued, this is why when you walk into a classroom, you do not see the traditional teacher standing at the front of the room talking directly at the students, you in fact see a dialog where conversation is king and children are listened to, therefore feeling more ready to share and find out more. This is inquiry. 

The way I picture inquiry is as a beachball. When we go to the beach, we take the ball with us, we take time to blow the ball up and make sure that it is safe and it is not going to burst and then… we have fun with it! The best part about playing with the beachball is that everyone gets to have a go, we can use it in many different ways and it can even help us make new friends! The beachball is just a metaphor, don’t get me wrong, however inquiry is what we live and breathe by at ISD and we will continue to bounce and have fun as we go along!


David Longworth
Primary Principal